May 04, 2021

Buoy: Work Notes

Screen capture of work-in-progress in UE4
Screen capture of work-in-progress of Buoy in UE4

Buoy is a work-in-progress interactive soundscape where you float around to control the sounds you hear.

Attempts at the floating first person controller

A depiction of the floating controller that changes as you enter different regions. Different body parts float around, and some of the body parts disappear as you move to another area.
A depiction of the floating controller that changes as you enter different regions. Different body parts float around, and some of the body parts disappear as you move to another area.
Third-person view of the controller, colliding with other floating objects
First-person view of the controller
  • Didn’t work well
  • too floaty to work as a controller

Inspirations for the level design

Inspirations for the sound design

  • Elveden Hall
  • Convolution reverb, image, sound from OpenAir. CC-BY-4.0
Image of a person recording sounds in a decorated room inside a castle. Elveden Hall, Suffolk, England.
Elveden Hall (Suffolk, England)
Example of a drum sound with reverb from Elveden Hall.
Example of a sound with reverb from Elveden Hall.

Drone based background music

Creating generative drone sounds in Ableton Live
Creating generative drone sounds in Ableton Live
Using the Emit & Grain Delay plugin in Ableton Live
Using the Emit & Grain Delay plugin in Ableton Live
  • generative drone sounds
  • lowering pitches a lot making it very slow

Before / after adding IR

Sound before adding IR
Sound after adding IR

Sound effects

  • Trigger occasional bell sounds / music when colliding an object
  • attenuation / spatial sound
  • different post processing effects for each sound
  • loops in a certain location
area #1
Screen capture of a broken door floating in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the first area: broken door

area #2
Screen capture of a fallen stone pillar floating in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the second area: fallen stone pillar

area #3
Screen capture of floating rocks floating in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the third area: floating rocks
area #4
Screen capture of stone pillars in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the fourth area: stone pillars
area #5
Screen capture of floating huge rocks in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the fifth area: floating huge rocks

area #6
Screen capture of floating small rocks in a desolate field of rocks
Screen capture of the sixth area: floating small rocks

Jeeyoon Hyun designs and develops weird websites and virtual experiences. Based in Brooklyn & Seoul, she is currently pursuing her master's degree at NYU ITP.

If you're looking for more detailed stuff, check out the old blog links here!